Postdoctoral fellowships open


The National Institute of Science and Technology on Social and Affective Neuroscience - INCT-SANI (Brazil) is seeking candidates for four investigator-funded Postdoctoral Fellowships.

The selected candidates will work primarily on the following CNPq (National Council for Scientific and Technological Development) INCT-SANI funded studies, examining:

A) students’ mental health and social relations throughout undergraduation. This will be a longitudinal project with surveys that will be repeated monthly - in Sao Paulo, SP. (POSITION FILLED)

B) undergraduate students’ Social Network throughout their courses, along with their moral beliefs. This will be a longitudinal project with surveys that will be repeated every 6 months, in order to evaluate if and how interpersonal relations relate to one’s morality - in Sao Paulo, SP. (POSITION FILLED)

C) approaches to increase and improve cooperation in human interactions. This project will use multiple neuroscientific approaches, including fNIRS, EEG, peripheral measures, among others - in Sao Paulo, SP - and behavioral measures - in Brasilia, DF. (THE POSITION IN SAO PAULO HAS BEEN FILLED; BRASILIA’S REMAINS OPEN)

D) impacts of ideology and political behavior on intergroup relations, polarization, ideological asymmetries, elaboration of scientific thinking, and endorsement of conspiracy beliefs. This project will study basic processes of social cognition, requiring skills in correlational and experimental designs as well as multivariate data analysis and psychometrics - in Brasilia, DF. (THIS POSITION REMAINS OPEN)

These studies are incorporated in the activities of the National Institute of Science and Technology on Social and Affective Neuroscience, funded by a CNPq call and under the direction of Professor Paulo Boggio.

The successful candidates will be expected to oversee data acquisition with different instruments and interventions; conduct data analyses; and prepare scientific manuscripts. Candidates with expertise in fNIRS and EEG techniques are particularly encouraged to apply, and we strongly recommend candidates to have experience with programming languages, such as R, Python, Julia, and/or Matlab.

The current INCT-SANI’s postdoctoral call seeks candidates to conduct studies at the Mackenzie Presbyterian University (Sao Paulo, SP - studies A and B) and at the University of Brasilia (Brasilia, DF - studies C and D). All activities of these Postdoctoral Fellowships will be supervised by Professor Paulo Boggio, PhD (Sao Paulo, SP), Professor Ronaldo Pilati, PhD (Brasilia, DF), or Tiago de Lima, PhD (Brasilia, DF).

The selected candidates will benefit from being involved in the research activities of a highly innovative Institute, doing cutting-edge research.

For more information on CNPq Postdoctoral Fellowships, visit

All applications must be sent by email to and should include a cover letter detailing the candidate's research interests, CV, and contact details of two potential references.

The positions will remain open until a suitable candidate is found.

Start date is flexible, starting from October 2023.

For more information, contact us through email (


NEW OPEN POSITIONS - Postdoctoral fellowships


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