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Understanding racial bias through electroencephalograph

In this paper, we explore the role of research in social and cognitive psychology to understand racial bias. Research has focused on automatic cognitive processes such as categorization and stereotyping, and neuroimaging has revealed differences in the activation of brain regions when processing social information about one's own or another's ethnicity. Techniques from the neurosciences, such as electroencephalography (EEG) and magnetoencephalography (MEG), have been used to identify patterns in brain activity associated with racial bias. Studies have found that the early perceptual processing that occurs when recognizing faces is affected by facial features, and that older adults show a larger Other-Race Effect for young faces from their racial ingroup. The text also discusses the effects of face processing on memory and the Implicit Association Test, which has been a benchmark for research into racial bias. Empathy to pain is stronger for ingroup members than outgroup members, and this phenomenon is known as racial bias in empathy. Studies have shown that there are differences in the way that people from different races process pain, which leads to different levels of empathy. Furthermore, individuals tend to conform to the opinion of other ingroup members in response to anxiety generated by priming to death or threat stimuli.

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